[Paraview] paraview.5.1.renderingbackend.opengl on server and paraview.5.1.renderingbackend.opengl2 on client

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Sep 8 07:21:12 EDT 2016

> Is it true that I can’t use the classic rendering (old GL) on the backend
> with a GL 2 on the client?

John, as Claire said, no, you can't use classic rendering and GL2
together. Client/Server should have the same rendering mode.

> Is there a workaround or do I have to figure out
> how to build a more modern OS Mesa (which might just be a copy/paste from
> the aforementioned website…)?

This blog [1] describes how I built modern OSMesa. You can also use
the ParaView Superbuild's build script for clues on how Mesa is built.

[1] https://blog.kitware.com/messing-with-mesa-for-paraview-5-0vtk-7-0/
[2] https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview-superbuild/blob/master/projects/unix/osmesa.cmake

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