[Paraview] change background color based on a data variable?

Felipe Bordeu felipebordeu at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 05:12:46 EDT 2016

You can use the animation view with a "Python Animation Track" script like

def start_cue(self):

   self.t = 0

def tick(self):

   from paraview.simple import *

   renderView1 = GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView')

   renderView1.Background = [self.t, 0.42745098039215684, 0.023529411764705882]

   self.t = self.t+0.1

def end_cue(self): pass

of course you have to the script to you needs.


2016-08-30 18:18 GMT+02:00 Hart, Cynthia Joyce - (cyndyb) <
cyndyb at email.arizona.edu>:

> Hi folks.  Another ignorant question.   (and Thank You to Burlen Loring
> for his assistance with my last question)
> I have created an animation of a time series of some months of several
> temperature sensors.  It is desired by the end user of this visualization,
> to show the diurnal cycle as the animation goes by, by changing the
> background color from blue to through to black as the days so by.  I can
> use the time values in the data table that contains my sensor data as a
> variable to determine a color by, but I don’t know what/or if there is, a
> filter to use to do this readily; that is, as a control of the background
> color.   If anyone can give me some direction, I’d appreciate it much.
> Thank you,
> Cynthia
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