[Paraview] Data handling in ParaView

Stefan Melber Stefan.Melber at DLR.de
Thu Sep 1 06:00:32 EDT 2016


i have (maybe) a simple problem: For the visualization of the so called 
dual-cells of an unstructured grid i use currently the block-structured 
vtu-format. The data thereby consists of many complex cells which are 
itself consists of a number of triangles - see the picture d1 attached. 
Therefore i have to write out EVERY cell in another vtu-file and group 
them with am vtm-file together. This way works well with a small number 
of cells (~1000 - as for the picture) however the aim is to go up to 
100e6 cells. Depending on the numbers i got from 1000 cells this process 
will take ~70 days!

The bottleneck is clearly the huge number of files i have to write (and 
read in ParaView). So are there ideas to have another representation in 
only one file for such kind of data?

I did some experiments writing all cells in one vtk(vtu)-file and give 
them scalar values depending on the cell number. But then, the n-th cell 
(its last point) is connected to the n+1 (its first point) and so on. 
Looks ugly if the n-th cell is not a direct neighbor to the n+1 cell - 
and that can be the case in my data. And - cutting then the resulting 
stuff in ParaView i did not get the cutting pictures (like d4) i like to 
have ...

Best regards and hoping for some nice ideas,


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