[Paraview] Segfault reading polyhedral cells xdmf3 file

Alessandro De Maio demaio.a at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 11:09:46 EST 2016

Dear All,
     I would like to use xdmf file format for exporting polyhedral mesh
results from a CFD code to be opened with Paraview. If I'm not wrong
Paraview 5.2.0 should be able to read/write such kind o files.

Just to understand the format of the xmf file, I've been trying to open a
very easy example taken from the post by Armin Wehrfritz (Tue Sep 27
09:03:00 EDT 2016) in this mailing list (the title of the post was
"Combination of polygonal-data and unstructured grid") named polyhedron.xmf
(that I put in attach to this post). But using Paraview 5.2.0 (Windows
64bit) binary, it gives segmentation fault immediately after the "Apply"
button click.

I've tried also to read the vtu version of the same geometry
(polyhedron.vtu taken from the same post of Armin and in attach) and to
save it from Paraview in xdmf3 file format. Once I try to re-read the xmf
generated file, the behaviour is the same and Paraview crashes.

Has anyone of you experience with xdmf polyhedral files in Paraview?

Thank you in advance for any suggestion

Alessandro De Maio
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