[Paraview] Warning Exporting VRML Files

Léo Pessanha leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 15:56:56 EST 2016


After version 5.0 of paraview for Windows x64 everytime I export a Scene in
VRML format I get the warning

Warning: In
> C:\bbd\df0abce0\source-paraview\VTK\Filters\Geometry\vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter.cxx,
> line 166
> vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter (000001A2CFB3E6E0): Number of cells is zero, no
> data to process.

It happens with any data, even a Box from Source.

The data seems to be exported correctly though.

Is that a bug?

Can anyone help me turning it off? My macros won't work because of that.

Thanks in advance!

Leonardo Pessanha
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