[Paraview] RAW (binary) file import issues

Keyes S.D. S.D.Keyes at soton.ac.uk
Thu Nov 17 10:30:09 EST 2016

Dear all,

I am encountering issues when trying to import large 8 bit RAW volumes to Paraview 5.1.2 (64 bit).

The file I wish to import has xyz dimensions of 2000x2000x1920 voxels (Unsigned char), 7.5GB.  I am running a machine with 192 GB RAM and 12 CPU cores.

I can import up to a 2000x2000x1000 crop of this file, but I encounter the following message when I attempt larger z dimensions:

ERROR: In C:\bbd\df0abce0\source-paraview\VTK\IO\Image\vtkImageReader2.cxx, line 592

vtkPVImageReader (0000000007767F90): Initialize: Could not open file \\cseg_2\ERC\SLS_201606\Myco_2\CT2PpR3h1_\Hyphalseg_Raw_2000_2000_1920_8bit_SKELETON_FILT_PARAVIEW_TEST.raw

I cannot find an obvious memory ceiling within the paraview settings - any ideas as to whether there is some effective upper limit to import file size?


Samuel D Keyes, MEng, PhD
New Frontiers Fellow
Bioengineering / μVIS Centre for Computed Tomography
University of Southampton
E: S.D.Keyes at soton.ac.uk<https://www.outlook.soton.ac.uk/owa/redir.aspx?SURL=dhUg3da8XR77LeItLDzJQwhAwmH0Wx6PHrXeKfxx2tOD3LCr737TCG0AYQBpAGwAdABvADoAUwAuAEQALgBLAGUAeQBlAHMAQABzAG8AdABvAG4ALgBhAGMALgB1AGsA&URL=mailto%3aS.D.Keyes%40soton.ac.uk>
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