[Paraview] Connect ParaViewWeb to Catalyst

Sven Kramer svenkramer40 at gmail.com
Thu May 19 15:52:03 EDT 2016

I am looking for the recommended steps how to display an in-situ (live)
Catalyst simulation through ParaViewWeb.

After some efforts I am able to run ParaViewWeb successfully and I can view
a Catalyst-enabled simulation in paraview.

I hope, it is also possible to show the live Catalyst output via
ParaViewWeb, but I cannot imagine how to achieve this. I tried starting a
pvserver as mentioned at the end of
https://blog.kitware.com/introduction-to-paraview-catalyst-live/ and giving
"--ds-host localhost --ds-port 11111" options to pv_web_visualizer.py, but
it doesn't help. I can't share anything to be displayed on the web.

Below you find the (not too detailed) steps I took to have a working
solution for either Catalyst-enabled simulations or a working web

Test connection from Catalyst simulation to paraview:
1) Build and execute paraview from ParaView-v5.0.1-source.tar.gz (from
2) Choose Catalyst->Connect in paraview
3) Run CFullExample from
4) Pipeline from CFullExample is shown in paraview.

Test ParaViewWeb:
1) Download ParaViewData-5.0.0.tar.gz from http://www.paraview.org/download/,
extract in /data
2) Run $ParaView_DIR/bin/pvpython
$ParaView_DIR/lib/site-packages/paraview/web/pv_web_visualizer.py --content
$ParaView_DIR/www  --data-dir /data --port 8080
3) Open the Visualizer App http://localhost:8080/apps/Visualizer/

But how do I get Catalyst into the web visualizer? Is there any example how
to combine them? Anybody who can suggest the required steps?

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