[Paraview] Only 1 mask is shown up in the model, what happened to the rest?

Chathuri Gunasekera cgunases at gmail.com
Wed May 11 09:27:23 EDT 2016

Hi all,

Suppose i have saved, segmented masks in separate folders.
mask 1 (the large mask) --> folder_1
mask 2 (small mask which needs to be located inside mask 1)  --> folder_2
mask 3 (small mask which needs to be located inside mask 1)  --> folder_3

Then all three masks are called in and eventually stacked the images and
called in from ParaView.

The question is i only see the mask 1.
Is it because mask 1,2 &3 are in same color?

 Can't i give different colors to different masks?

Or else what would be the remedy to see mask 2 & 3 inside mask 1?

Your support is highly appreciated.
Thank you.

Warm regards,
Chathuri Gunasekera.
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