[Paraview] Paraview5 in CAVE

Faiz Abidi fabidi89 at vt.edu
Thu Mar 24 12:12:56 EDT 2016

I am struggling to make Paraview5 work in the CAVE (4 sided). I have
Paravie5 built from source, enabled the VRPlugin, mpi, and other needed
stuff. However, I am confused with the PVX file.

I made some progress, and can load up a scene but the scene doesn't occupy
all the walls of the CAVE. It just occupies a small square box on the top
left wall (see attached). I played with the cave.pvx file but no matter
what values I give in it, I can only see a small box when I connect to the
Paraview client.

I need help. Would anyone have any idea please?
Faiz Abidi | Master's Student at Virginia Tech | www.faizabidi.com |
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