[Paraview] Move LineChartView legend

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Tue Mar 22 12:56:39 EDT 2016

The legend location has moved to the Properties Panel like the rest of the properties. Try typing "legend" in the search bar at the top of the Properties Panel. You should see an item named "Legend Location" toward the bottom. (Note that this option is only there when the LineChartView is actively selected.


On 3/22/16, 10:27 AM, "ParaView on behalf of Alex Lindsay" <paraview-bounces at paraview.org on behalf of adlinds3 at ncsu.edu> wrote:

>I knew how to do this in Paraview 4.x, but how do I change the location 
>of my legend for a LineChartView in Paraview 5.0? A lot of the plot 
>properties have been moved to the pipeline browser that used to be 
>accessible from the Layout window, but the legend location doesn't seem 
>to be one of them; now I can't find the option anywhere!
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