[Paraview] Get Key values from spread sheet

Arshpreet Singh arsh840 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 06:48:19 EDT 2016

I am getting trouble to find values after applying integrator filter.

values_table = IntegrateVariables(Input=fullvolume)

print value_table.PointData.keys()   # returns ['ion_pdf_n_c0', 'ion_pdf_n_c1']
print value_table.CellData.keys() # returns ['Volume']

I have given try to following methods but not able to get value of
"Volume" and other.

print values_table.CellData["Volume"]
print value_tables.CellData.GetArray('Volume')

Does paraview comes with any special method to get value of key from dictionary?


Arshpreet Singh

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