[Paraview] Error building Superbuild v5.0.0

David_dev Dev dcpc.dev at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 12:29:27 EDT 2016

i continue until the next error :
CMake Error at
/usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:108 (message):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  VTK/CMake/vtkOpenGL.cmake:63 (find_package)
  VTK/Rendering/OpenGL/CMakeLists.txt:172 (include)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also
See also
make[2]: *** [paraview/src/paraview-stamp/paraview-configure] Erreur 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/paraview.dir/all] Erreur 2
make: *** [all] Erreur 2

2016-03-17 16:46 GMT+01:00 David_dev Dev <dcpc.dev at gmail.com>:

> news :
> modify option with :
> + install libXext-devel.x86_64 0:1.3.2-2.1.el6 (via yum)
> --> make -j 6 still guive the warning and goes "-j1", but continue !
> 2016-03-17 16:31 GMT+01:00 David_dev Dev <dcpc.dev at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> After asking help for compile pvserver on our cluster, a user send me
>> links and its config for compile all with superbuild and solve OS
>> dependancies problems
>> I try, but got an error after 30 minutes that i don't understand (not
>> used to compile applications).
>> eader created for
>> /data/build-paraview/qt4/src/qt4/src/qt3support/sql/q3sqlselectcursor.h (2)
>> header (master) created for Qt3Support
>> headers.pri file created for Qt3Support
>> mkdir /data/build-paraview/qt4/src/qt4-build/src/tools
>> mkdir /data/build-paraview/qt4/src/qt4-build/src/tools/uic
>> Creating qmake. Please wait...
>> gmake[3]: AVERTISSEMENT: serveur de tâches n'est pas disponible:
>> utilisation de -j1. Ajouter « + » à la règle parent du make.
>> Basic XLib functionality test failed!
>>  You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing
>> /data/build-paraview/qt4/src/qt4/mkspecs/linux-g++.
>> CMake Error at /data/build-paraview/pv-qt4-configure.cmake:33 (message):
>>   Failed with exit code 1
>> make[2]: *** [qt4/src/qt4-stamp/qt4-configure] Erreur 1
>> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/qt4.dir/all] Erreur 2
>> make: *** [all] Erreur 2
>> Steps :
>> i create an empty build dir
>> i clone git repo in a second one + git checkout v5.0.0
>> i uste this cmake options (not sure of  what i need, but take this one
>> which worked for the user)
>> cmake    ../git/ParaViewSuperbuild \
>>         -DENABLE_paraview:BOOL=ON \
>>         -DParaView_FROM_GIT:BOOL=OFF \
>>         -DENABLE_qt:BOOL=ON \
>>         -DENABLE_qt4:BOOL=ON \
>>         -DENABLE_python:BOOL=ON \
>>         -DUSE_SYSTEM_python:BOOL=OFF \
>>         -DENABLE_mpi:BOOL=ON \
>>         -DUSE_SYSTEM_mpi:BOOL=OFF \
>>         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/paraview
>> Don't know where is the complete log file (have only screen history
>> currently).
>> OS = Centos 6.6
>> For firsts tests before superbuild, i have cmake, openmpi and some other
>> packages already installed. But intersted in independant compilation
>> because part of the cluster is still in centos 5.x....
>> Thx for help or advices.
>> David (French hours)
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