[Paraview] New user - install Paraview 5.0 on CentOS 6

David_dev Dev dcpc.dev at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 12:54:31 EDT 2016


We are evaluating new visualization softwares.
We successfully install a paraview 5.0 on windows and linux (windows slow
and not stable).
On Linux Local and Remote pvserver (on the same computer) graphical install
is ok and working on 1core

Next step is to test multiCores on local. i read the doc (which speak only
about PV v4 ...) and see that we have to compile pvserver with a cmake, QT,
OpenGL, Python and MPI. Here start the problem :)

Environment :
- CentOS 6.7
- Specific components :

   - cmake →
   - MPI → openmpi 1.8.1-1.el6
   - openGL → (nvidia drivers opengl)
   - QT 4.7/4.8 → QT 4.6.2 only on Centos 6 => have to manually compile !!!
   ( and which version ?)
   - Python 2.7 + Numpy + Matplotlib → default available : python 2.6.6-64
   / numpy 1.4.1-9 / python-matplotlib

1st try failed because of QT 4.6 (asking 4.7+)


Questions :

- Is there an updated documentation for Paraview V5 (html, wiki and pdf all
stop at v4.4 or v4.3) ?

- which version of QT use ?  from sources i can take 4.7, 4.8.3 4.8.x+,
5.x+ and try to compile.

- All those operations needs many manual tasks and manage. is there some
standard compiled package for a standard Centos6 config ? (currently i used
only Basic rpm packages form the distribution).

- Final goal is to test with pvbatch on a cluster. Do we'll have to do all
those operations for pvbatch on a cluster ?

- We have some decent Workstations with Graphic Cards, is there a reason to
try install pvserver+mpi on a cluster with nodes without Graphic cards ?

thx by advance,

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