[Paraview] [Catalyst] Setting the MPI Comm in Python

Joachim Pouderoux joachim.pouderoux at kitware.com
Thu Mar 10 11:32:54 EST 2016


Regarding the initial problem, would it be useful to add a new method
Initialize(vtkMPICommunicator* comm) to vtkCPProcessor? - it should be
quite straightforward to do.


*Joachim Pouderoux*

*PhD, Technical Expert*
*Kitware SAS <http://www.kitware.fr>*

2016-03-10 16:48 GMT+01:00 Andy Bauer <andy.bauer at kitware.com>:

> Hi Yohann,
> Thanks for the info!
> If you get some interesting results it would be great if you could share
> it. We've recently created some highlighted applications that use Catalyst
> at http://www.paraview.org/catalyst-adaptors/. If you'd like to have a
> section there on elsA, I'd be more than happy to add it in.
> Best,
> Andy
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 5:37 AM, VAUTRIN Yohann (SAFRAN) <
> yohann.vautrin at safran.fr> wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> I’m using elsA, a CFD package developed by ONERA in France. I was given a
>> few links by the project manager if you want more information about the
>> software:
>> •             An Overview of the Multi-Purpose elsA Flow Solver (
>> http://www.aerospacelab-journal.org/sites/www.aerospacelab-journal.org/files/AL2-10.pdf
>> )
>> •             Advanced Aerodynamic Applications with the elsA Software (
>> http://www.aerospacelab-journal.org/sites/www.aerospacelab-journal.org/files/AL2-12.pdf
>> )
>> •             The Onera elsA CFD software : input from research and
>> feedback from industry - L. Cambier, S. Heib, S. Plot - Mechanics &
>> Industry, 2013
>> elsA is written in C++ (plus some Fortran routines) but possesses a user
>> interface in Python. I’m using a mechanism in the code that calls a Python
>> script when the internal finish state machine changes state (e.g.: at each
>> increment, before the computation, at the end, …).
>> Hope that answers your question. Let me know if you want more information
>> ;).
>> Yohann
>> *From:* Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.bauer at kitware.com]
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 09, 2016 4:41 PM
>> *To:* VAUTRIN Yohann (SAFRAN)
>> *Cc:* paraview at paraview.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Paraview] [Catalyst] Setting the MPI Comm in Python
>> Hi Yohann,
>> Glad to hear that you were able to get it working! By the way, what
>> simulation code are you instrumenting to use Catalyst if you don't mind
>> saying? I'd be interested to know how it works for you.
>> Best,
>> Andy
>> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 5:34 AM, VAUTRIN Yohann (SAFRAN) <
>> yohann.vautrin at safran.fr> wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> Thank you for your feedback, it helped me solve my problem.
>> If anyone is having a similar problem, what I ended up doing is:
>> *import mpi4py.MPI as MPI*
>> *import vtk*
>> *comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD*
>> *rank = comm.Get_rank()*
>> *size = comm.Get_size()*
>> *in_subcomm = [0,3,6,9] # list of ranks to include in the VTK
>> communicator*
>> *subcomm = comm.Split(1 if rank in in_subcomm else 0,rank)*
>> *#--- In another part of the program called only by the procs in
>> in_subcomm*
>> *vtkComm = vtk.vtkMPI4PyCommunicator.ConvertToVTK(subcomm)*
>> *vtkCont = vtk.vtkMPIController()*
>> *vtkCont.SetCommunicator(vtkComm)*
>> *vtk.vtkMPIController.SetGlobalController(vtkCont)*
>> Due to the way my application works, I had to split the communicator
>> myself, i.e. without using CreateSubController() or PartitionController()
>> because vtk is loaded only by some procs and not every single one (a
>> Mpi_Comm_split operation would therefore be impossible to do).
>> --
>> Yohann
>> *From:* Andy Bauer [mailto:andy.bauer at kitware.com]
>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 06, 2016 12:55 PM
>> *To:* VAUTRIN Yohann (SAFRAN)
>> *Cc:* paraview at paraview.org
>> *Subject:* Re: [Paraview] [Catalyst] Setting the MPI Comm in Python
>> Hi,
>> Can you use a different controller that has the same MPI processes
>> assigned to it? If that works for you, you should be able to just create a
>> vtkMPIController and use either CreateSubController() or
>> PartitionController() to create one similar to what you want. Note that you
>> may need to create two vtkMPIControllers, one that corresponds to
>> MPI_COMM_WORLD and one for your partitioning. After you've done that you
>> can use the vtkMPIController::SetGlobalController() to have VTK and
>> ParaView use that for interprocess communication.
>> Best,
>> Andy
>> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 10:09 AM, VAUTRIN Yohann (SAFRAN) <
>> yohann.vautrin at safran.fr> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’m working on a Catalyst adaptor written in Python for one of the CFD
>> codes I use at work and I’m having trouble setting the MPI communicator I
>> want the vtkCPProcessor object to use (in order to use a subset of
>> MPI_COMM_WORLD). The MPI communicator I create is a mpi4py.MPI_Comm object,
>> which I convert to a vtkMPICommunicator object using
>> vtk.vtkMPI4PyCommunicator.ConvertToVTK. However
>> vtk.vtkPVCatalystPython.vtkCPProcessor.Initialize is expecting a
>> vtkMPICommunicatorOpaqueComm object and there does not seem to be a way for
>> me to create such an object from the Python interface. Am I missing
>> something here or is something not wrapped correctly or wrong?
>> For the moment I use mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD to test everything. The
>> following minimal example replicates my problem:
>> *import mpi4py.MPI*
>> *import vtk*
>> *comm = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD*
>> *coprocessor = vtk.vtkPVCatalystPython.vtkCPProcessor()*
>> *coprocessor.Initialize(vtk.vtkMPI4PyCommunicator.ConvertToVTK(comm))*
>> The last line fails with this message:
>> *TypeError: Initialize argument 1: method requires a
>> vtkMPICommunicatorOpaqueComm, a vtkMPICommunicator was provided.*
>> I hope I post on the right mailing list as this could actually be a
>> problem in VTK.
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Best,
>> Yohann V.
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