[Paraview] Can 'Find DataŠ' search for strings or just numerical data

Joe Young j.young at qut.edu.au
Wed Mar 9 17:16:22 EST 2016

Can the PV 'Find Data…' command be used to search attribute data of type string?
The specific case I have is the Protein Data Bank Reader which returns the point data attribute called 'atom_types'.
It contains atom names such as 'N' or 'C' or 'O' etc. I'd like to search and extract point data based on the 'atom_types' string.
For example atom_types == 'O' - but this returns an error (see below).
Any help or pointers greatly appreciated.
Joe Young.

P.S. The specific error code is:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 8, in <module>

File "<string>", line 5, in vtkPythonExtractSelection_RequestData

File "/Applications/paraview_4_3_1.app/Contents/Python/paraview/extract_selection.py", line 88, in execute

(query, type(maskArray))

RuntimeError: Expression 'atom_types == 'O'' did not produce a valid mask array. The value produced is of the type '<type 'bool'>'. This typically implies a malformed expression. Verify that the expression is valid.

Dr Joseph Young
Queensland University of Technology | Australia
www.qut.edu.au | j.young at qut.edu.au<mailto:j.young at qut.edu.au>
CRICOS No. 00213J
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