[Paraview] ParaView 5.0.0 for Windows x64 fails to open EnSight Gold files

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Mar 9 09:47:02 EST 2016

I didn't but I didn't have to :). Your investigation lead me to in the
right direction -- it just wasn't FILE_OFFSET_BITS that was the issue.
It was the fact that on Windows the stat function is different,
period. I am hoping to push a fix in for 5.0.1.

On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 7:32 AM, Andrew <antech777 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Utkarsh Ayachit,
> Hello. Did you try the trick with EnSight geometry file reader? Thanks.
> 2016-03-03 17:51 GMT+03:00 Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>:
>> > About test file. It's simple, IMHO. Generate any garbage file or take
>> > any
>> > existing big file. Rename it to have the geometry file name for any
>> > small
>> > EnSight case. Feed this case to ParaView 5.0 under Windows x64 (I use
>> > Win7).
>> > The parsing doesnt start so the file contents doesnt matter. It only
>> > wants
>> > to open file and stops because of stat() error, even ifstream() is not
>> > engaged.
>> Cool! Yea, that's a nitfy little test case :). I'll give it a try.
>> Utkarsh
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