[Paraview] Issues with ParaView 5.1.0 and VGL (UNCLASSIFIED)

Hennessey, Joseph G CTR USARMY RDECOM ARL (US) joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr at mail.mil
Tue Jun 28 09:57:20 EDT 2016



I am experiencing an error when running ParaView 5.1.0 using VGL

When starting ParaView 5.1.0 I get the following warnings

[VGL] WARNING: The OpenGL rendering context obtained on X display
[VGL]    :0.0 is indirect, which may cause performance to suffer.
[VGL]    If :0.0 is a local X display, then the framebuffer device
[VGL]    permissions may be set incorrectly.

And then ParaView 5.1.0 seg faults.

ParaView 5.0.1 when run under VGL does not produce the same
warnings and works just fine.

Is their some new requirement for VGL support that ParaView 5.1.0 has
over version 5.0.1?



Joseph G. Hennessey Ph.D., Lockheed Martin
Army Research Lab
DOD Supercomputing Resource Center
Email:  joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr at mail.mil

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