[Paraview] Rendering issue with cross-sections in 3D

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Jun 17 09:03:06 EDT 2016

This could also be related to the age-old "tiny bounds at far away
locations" issue with OpenGL precision. Looks like your data bounds
are a few 100 units in each dimension while located at (6.0e5, 6.0e6,
2e3). Try using the "Transform" filter to move the data closer to the
origin. Does that overcome the issue?

FWIW, I too cannot reproduce the issue with 5.1.0-RC1 on my Mac
(10.11) as Cory said. I can try on a Linux box later today.


On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:11 PM, Steve Lamont <spl at tirebiter.org> wrote:
>> I'm using Paraview v5.0.1 to visualize some geophysical data, but I'm
>> running into a rendering issue. When I zoom in to my data sets, data in
>> the background randomly jumps in front of cross-sections in the
>> foreground.
> I'm running into a similar issue.
> I have three cross sections, along the three major axes, and they do not
> seem to occlude one another as one would expect.
> I've turned on depth peeling and have experimented with setting the maximum
> number of peels to no avail.
> I know this is a classic OpenGL depth sorting issue since I've run into
> myself back when I was coding such things.
> I've updated my nVidia drivers to what passes for the Latest and Greatest
> for Ubuntu Linux and I have a fairly recent graphics card (Quadro K2000D).
> I'll be happy to supply any other system information I can if it'll help.
> Is there something else I need to switch on in order to get ParaView to
> operate in the "expected" manner?
> Thanx.
>                                                         spl
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