[Paraview] Ensight 6 imported case error

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Jul 8 07:45:56 EDT 2016


Can you share a sample dataset to reproduce this issue?


On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 5:37 AM, Juan Valverde
<j.valverde at virtualmech.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> We are working with Syrthes thermal. The output of such program is
> written in Ensight case format, version 6. All data is imported
> correctly from Paraview 4.3.1 except for one node, we tested in several
> different problems, whose temperature nodal value is incorrect. It
> should be 7.12e+02, and ends up being 7.12e22, to give an example.
> Therefore, the maximum is unreal and the whole surface plot is ruined. I
> checked with Paravis inside Salome 7.7.1 and 7.6.0, and also, as pointed
> out before with Paraview 4.3.1.
> I also run the ens_checker (ensight case file health checker) on the
> files and they seem to be ok. I also inspected the results file and all
> nodal data is correct, no e+22 found in these files.
> Did anybody have the same problem? It seems related to the Ensight
> reader or plugin used by Paravis/Paraview.
> Attached example plots.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Regards,
> Juan
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