[Paraview] VTK warning during volume rendering of vtkStructuredGrid on Windows with Nvidia graphics card.

Weiguang guan guanw at rhpcs.mcmaster.ca
Mon Jul 4 15:51:31 EDT 2016

I run into the same problem on linux.

Warning: In 
line 251
vtkOpenGLProjectedTetrahedraMapper (0x630b310): Missing FBO support. The 
algorithm may produce visual artifacts.

I'm running Paraview 5.0.0.


On 03/03/2016 9:42 AM, Aashish Chaudhary wrote:
>> I have the same problem. Though in my case it is a small unstructuredgrid
>> vtu file. The OS is Ubuntu 14.04. ParaView-5.0.0-Qt4-OpenGL2-MPI-Linux-64bit
>> prebuilt binaries. The Graphics card is Nvidia Quadro K620 with OpenGL
>> version 3.02 Nvidia 352.63. The Nvidia settings show the following etensions
>> amongst others GL_ARB_frame_buffer_object.
>> Also, it does show artifacts. In particular for a vector allocated to a
>> standard hexahedron cell, the colors are slightly different within the cell.
>> You can see triangular segments [possibly tetrahedron?]
> It seems to me that you are running into a different issue as atleast
> you are seeing
> something but it does look correct to you. Is that it?
> Thanks
>> Regard
>> Paul.
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