[Paraview] How to give Python access to a Plugin

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Feb 9 13:46:14 EST 2016

> I don't seem to be able to access properties in the VRPlugin from a Python source or filter. I can see other Plugins in the Python Shell (if I load the plugin before opening the shell for the first time), but only filter or source plugins. Is this related to the .xml file in some plugin source directories?

ParaView doesn't provide access all the classes for access in Python
only filters/sources etc. The VR plugin doesn't have any of these are
is primarily implemented using GUI level code and hence you don't have
access to anything from the VR plugin in Python.

> I ultimately want to allow a VR CAVE user to select points in 3D space with a tracked device, much like the "Interactive Select Points On" feature in the GUI in 4.4.0 and later. If anybody has suggestions for how to do this, I would be appreciative.

A good approach would be to create a new interactor style (by
subclassing  vtkVRInteractorStyle  similar to
vtkVRControlSliceOrientationStyle, vtkVRGrabWorldStyle etc.) to handle
the tracker event to then do the work for picking and showing pick


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