[Paraview] Warning about Version while Reading File

Fastl, Thomas thomas.fastl at kcl.ac.uk
Thu Feb 4 08:31:24 EST 2016

Hello Community,

I just installed ParaView 5.0.0 and loaded a vtk-file which worked under ParaView 4.2.0! Doing so I receive the warning 'Reading file version: 4.2 with older reader version 4.0', suggesting that an outdated vtk version is used to read the file. I should mention that changing the header line in the vtk-file from '# vtk DataFile Version 4.2' to '# vtk DataFile Version 4.2' does the trick, however, I don't understand why ParaView complains? I read that ParaView uses it's own vtk version which seems to be 7.1.0 (see below), so why this warning? Is there anything else I can can do to fix that or is this a bug in ParaView? Thanks!

from __future__import print_function

import vtk


Best wishes, Thomas

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