[Paraview] Export the surface model in a format that can be read by 3D modeling software.

Cory Quammen cory.quammen at kitware.com
Mon Dec 19 21:38:54 EST 2016


The Surface mode, or "representation", in ParaView displays just the
surface extracted from the underlying volume. Underneath, it is still
a volumetric dataset, so ParaView does not present surface data
writers when you try to save it to a file. The representation is just
the way the underlying data is displayed - you wouldn't be saving just
the edges if you saved the data when the Wireframe mode is chosen, for

To enable saving it as a surface, you must first extract the surfaces
from the volume using a filter such as Extract Surface. The display in
Surface mode will look exactly the same, but the underlying data in
the output of this filter *is* actually a surface. When you save it
from ParaView, you will have the expected writers from which to

The Glyph filter produces surface data, hence you get the expected
surface options available for the file format.


On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Magnus Elden <Magnus_Elden at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a volume that looks fine inside Paraview when I set the mode to
> surface. However, there is no option to save the model as a standard 3D
> model file format. .obj, .ply, .fbx, 3ds etc. If I add glyphs I can export
> the glyphs just fine as a .ply file, but for some reason that is not
> available for the surface.
> Is it possible to get a geometric model of the surface exported to a
> “proper” geometric 3D model format?
> Yours,
> Magnus Elden
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Cory Quammen
Staff R&D Engineer
Kitware, Inc.

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