[Paraview] Is USE_EXTERNAL_VTK supported with ParaView 5.1.2?

corinna reuter corinnareuter75 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 18:18:33 EDT 2016

I am trying to first build and install VTK-7.0.0 and then compile ParaView
5.1.2, which should use the installed VTK-7.0.0 instead of building its own
VTK version. For this purpose I configure ParaView with the
-DUSE_EXTERNAL_VTK=ON option, but I get a bunch of errors.

Before I attach lengthy error logs, I'd like to ask whether this can work
at all? It is not clear from older bug reports, whether USE_EXTERNAL_VTK is
finally supported or whether it is in some buggy, experimental stage since
3 years. If it is supported, are the 5.1.2 and 7.0.0 versions compatible,
or should I try a different combination?

If somebody can confirm that this should work in principle, I'll try to
solve as many compilation problems as possible before I send the remaining
error output for further discussion.

The background of my request is that I need to develop a ParaView plugin
which links a software tool that depends on VTK by itself. I couldn't find
a possibility to link this tool against the VTK which is included in
ParaView. Therefore I am trying to first build VTK, and then link both
ParaView and the software tool with the compiled VTK. I hope this makes

Thank you
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