[Paraview] Paraview Web with SSL

Daniel Zuidinga info at seoaachen.de
Wed Aug 24 18:12:10 EDT 2016

yes that file has contents. otherwise the sessionID also wouldn't be 
send back?

any ideas how to fix the ws communication?

Am 24.08.2016 um 23:44 schrieb Sebastien Jourdain:
> Yes it seems the ws forwarding is not working.
> if you cat that file you should see some content with that id and a 
> host/port that apache should use to connect to the server that is 
> running paraview.
> Otherwise the documentation (link that I previously gave) explain how 
> to use unix group and setup the appropriate rights to that file so 
> apache can read while the launcher can write.
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:01 PM, Daniel Zuidinga <info at seoaachen.de 
> <mailto:info at seoaachen.de>> wrote:
>     how can I check?
>     The sessionID is sent to the client. So as far as I understand the
>     http requests work, but not the ws?
>     Am 24.08.2016 um 22:52 schrieb Sebastien Jourdain:
>>     Are you sure apache has the right to read the
>>     /home/daniel/proxy.txt while the launcher is writting it?
>>     Do you see some content that match your sessionId within that file?
>>     On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Daniel Zuidinga
>>     <info at seoaachen.de <mailto:info at seoaachen.de>> wrote:
>>         I changed sessionManagerURL in my html file to
>>         vtkWeb.properties.sessionManagerURL instead of
>>         http://localhost:8080/paraview. Now I get in firefox:
>>         Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated.  Use
>>         defaultPrevented instead. jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:0
>>         GET
>>         http://localhost/proxy [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 16ms]
>>         null Visualizer:42:13
>>         Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
>>         ws://localhost/proxy?sessionId=7d12745c-6a34-11e6-a5dc-0016d4e2bc28.
>>         autobahn.min.js:114:0
>>         GET
>>         http://localhost/proxy [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 2ms]
>>         null
>>         ...I think one more thing is needed.
>>         Am 24.08.2016 um 21:51 schrieb Daniel Zuidinga:
>>>         I had wrong paths in my launcher.config properties.
>>>         Now the request gets through and the vtk window opens. But I
>>>         have still the ws error. Firefox console:
>>>         Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
>>>         ws://localhost/ws. autobahn.min.js:114:0
>>>         null Visualizer:42:13
>>>         Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated.  Use
>>>         defaultPrevented instead. jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:0
>>>         No launcher found.  Attempting to connect using the direct
>>>         WS url. vtkweb-all.js:4456:19
>>>         --- vtk window opens, then:
>>>         Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy
>>>         disallows reading the remote resource at
>>>         http://localhost:8080/paraview. (Reason: CORS header
>>>         'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing). <unknown>
>>>         GET
>>>         http://localhost/ws [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 2ms]
>>>         null Visualizer:42:13
>>>         Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
>>>         ws://localhost/ws.
>>>         Am 24.08.2016 um 19:18 schrieb Sebastien Jourdain:
>>>>         Actually the hostname might be an issue if you have several
>>>>         network card.
>>>>         Can you try to use the computer IP? Or '' for the
>>>>         launcher if that work?
>>>>         Otherwise I did not spotted any issue in your config.
>>>>         On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 11:14 AM, Daniel Zuidinga
>>>>         <info at seoaachen.de <mailto:info at seoaachen.de>> wrote:
>>>>             - apache 2.4.12
>>>>             - modules are enabled
>>>>             - launcher.py launches without error, resrouces and
>>>>             apps section are in the config file as described in the
>>>>             documentation
>>>>             are all ports and hostnames right in my configuration
>>>>             files? apache is localhost and paraview also
>>>>             Am 24.08.2016 um 16:22 schrieb Sebastien Jourdain:
>>>>>             Hi Daniel,
>>>>>             Which version of Apache are you running?
>>>>>             Did you enabled all the modules?
>>>>>             $ sudo a2enmod vhost_alias
>>>>>             $ sudo a2enmod proxy
>>>>>             $ sudo a2enmod proxy_http
>>>>>             $ sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel
>>>>>             $ sudo a2enmod rewrite
>>>>>             For the launcher configuration, do you have a proper
>>>>>             "resources" and "apps" section?
>>>>>             I'm guessing you are looking at the following
>>>>>             documentation pages?
>>>>>             -
>>>>>             https://kitware.github.io/paraviewweb/docs/guides/apache_front_end.html
>>>>>             <https://kitware.github.io/paraviewweb/docs/guides/apache_front_end.html>
>>>>>             -
>>>>>             https://kitware.github.io/paraviewweb/docs/guides/python_launcher.html
>>>>>             <https://kitware.github.io/paraviewweb/docs/guides/python_launcher.html>
>>>>>             Once you have the forwarding of the launcher request
>>>>>             working, the next part will be the forwarding of the
>>>>>             ws. But we can talk about it when and if you run into
>>>>>             issue about it.
>>>>>             Seb
>>>>>             On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 2:22 AM, Daniel Zuidinga
>>>>>             <info at seoaachen.de <mailto:info at seoaachen.de>> wrote:
>>>>>                 I tried to run the launcher as described in the
>>>>>                 docs. But I am still getting errors when running
>>>>>                 http://localhost/apps/Visualizer/
>>>>>                 <http://localhost/apps/Visualizer/>
>>>>>                 Firefox console:
>>>>>                 -------------------------------
>>>>>                 1. when setting sessionManagerURL in html set to
>>>>>                 vtkWeb.properties.sessionManagerURL:
>>>>>                 POST
>>>>>                 XHR
>>>>>                 http://localhost/paraview/ [HTTP/1.1 503 Service
>>>>>                 Unavailable 48ms]
>>>>>                 Object { error: "The process did not properly
>>>>>                 start.…" } Visualizer:42:13
>>>>>                 2. when setting sessionManagerURL in html to
>>>>>                 http://localhost:8080/paraview:
>>>>>                 Firefox can't establish a connection to the server
>>>>>                 at ws://localhost/ws. autobahn.min.js:114:0
>>>>>                 null Visualizer:42:13
>>>>>                 No launcher found. Attempting to connect using the
>>>>>                 direct WS url. vtkweb-all.js:4456:19
>>>>>                 Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use
>>>>>                 defaultPrevented instead. jquery-1.8.3.min.js:2:0
>>>>>                 Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin
>>>>>                 Policy disallows reading the remote resource at
>>>>>                 http://localhost:8080/paraview. (Reason: CORS
>>>>>                 header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).
>>>>>                 <unknown>
>>>>>                 GET
>>>>>                 http://localhost/ws [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 12ms]
>>>>>                 null
>>>>>                 So the launcher can't start the pv webserver? But
>>>>>                 running http://localhost:8080/paraview/1
>>>>>                 <http://localhost:8080/paraview/1> in browser
>>>>>                 works but says: {"error": "No session with id: 1"}
>>>>>                 My apache config:
>>>>>                 -----------------------------
>>>>>                 <VirtualHost *:80>
>>>>>                     ServerName localhost
>>>>>                 ServerAdmin info at seoaachen.de
>>>>>                 <mailto:info at seoaachen.de>
>>>>>                 DocumentRoot
>>>>>                 /home/daniel/salome_meca/V2016/prerequisites/Paraview-v501_EDF/share/paraview-5.0/www
>>>>>                     ErrorLog "logs/pv-error_log"
>>>>>                     CustomLog "logs/pv-access_log" common
>>>>>                     ### The following commented lines could be
>>>>>                 useful when running
>>>>>                     ### over https and wss:
>>>>>                     # SSLEngine On
>>>>>                     # SSLCertificateFile
>>>>>                 /etc/apache2/ssl/your_certificate.crt
>>>>>                     # SSLCertificateKeyFile
>>>>>                 /etc/apache2/ssl/your_domain_key.key
>>>>>                     # SSLCertificateChainFile
>>>>>                 /etc/apache2/ssl/DigiCertCA.crt
>>>>>                     #
>>>>>                     # <Location ${MY-DOCUMENT-ROOT} >
>>>>>                     # SSLRequireSSL On
>>>>>                     # SSLVerifyClient optional
>>>>>                     # SSLVerifyDepth 1
>>>>>                     # SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +StrictRequire
>>>>>                     # </Location>
>>>>>                     # Have Apache pass these requests to the
>>>>>                 launcher :9000
>>>>>                     ProxyPass /paraview http://localhost:8080/paraview
>>>>>                     # Turn on the rewrite engine
>>>>>                 RewriteEngine On
>>>>>                     # This is the path the mapping file Jetty creates
>>>>>                     RewriteMap session-to-port
>>>>>                 txt:/home/daniel/proxy.txt
>>>>>                     # This is the rewrite condition. Look for
>>>>>                 anything with a sessionId= in the query part of
>>>>>                 the URL and capture the value to use below.
>>>>>                 RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^sessionId=(.*)$ [NC]
>>>>>                     # This does the rewrite using the mapping file
>>>>>                 and the sessionId
>>>>>                 RewriteRule ^/proxy.*$
>>>>>                 ws://${session-to-port:%1}/ws  [P]
>>>>>                 <Directory
>>>>>                 "/home/daniel/salome_meca/V2016/prerequisites/Paraview-v501_EDF/share/paraview-5.0/www">
>>>>>                 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>>>>                         Order allow,deny
>>>>>                         Allow from all
>>>>>                 AllowOverride None
>>>>>                 Require all granted
>>>>>                 </Directory>
>>>>>                 </VirtualHost>
>>>>>                 my launcher.json
>>>>>                 ----------------------------
>>>>>                  "configuration": {
>>>>>                 "host" : "localhost",
>>>>>                 "port" : 8080,
>>>>>                 "endpoint": "paraview",
>>>>>                 "content": "/.../www",
>>>>>                 "proxy_file" : "/home/daniel/proxy.txt",
>>>>>                 "sessionURL": "ws://localhost/proxy?sessionId=${id}",
>>>>>                 "timeout" : 25,
>>>>>                 "log_dir" : "/home/daniel",
>>>>>                 "upload_dir" : "/home/daniel",
>>>>>                 "fields" : ["file", "host", "port", "updir"]
>>>>>                         },
>>>>>                 What am I doing wrong?
>>>>>                 Daniel Zuidinga
>>>>>                 Dipl.-Ing.
>>>>>                 SEO Aachen
>>>>>                 Passstr. 5
>>>>>                 52070 Aachen
>>>>>                 Tel   : 0241 / 450 912 67
>>>>>                 E-Mail:info at seoaachen.de <mailto:info at seoaachen.de>
>>>>>                 Web   :http://www.seoaachen.de  (nur zum Teil aktuell)
>>>>>                 Xing  :https://www.xing.com/profile/Daniel_Zuidinga
>>>>>                 <https://www.xing.com/profile/Daniel_Zuidinga>
>>>>>                 Bald online: Software Tools für Konstrukteure und Bauteilhersteller
>>>>>                 http://www.engineeringonline.de
>>>>>                 <http://www.engineeringonline.de>
>>>>>                 Am 22.08.2016 um 22:32 schrieb Sebastien Jourdain:
>>>>>>                 Hi Daniel,
>>>>>>                     I want to use paraview web with SSL. As far
>>>>>>                     as I understand I need apache as a proxy
>>>>>>                     server for that? Or is it possible with
>>>>>>                     pvpython? 
>>>>>>                 It might be possible with pvpython, but I've
>>>>>>                 never done it, I've always used apache to rely on
>>>>>>                 a single opened port and handle the encryption.
>>>>>>                     I have my own launcher which opens pvpython
>>>>>>                     with a different port for each user. Is this
>>>>>>                     the right way? Will this work with ssl? 
>>>>>>                 If pvpython directly support the wss connection,
>>>>>>                 you can be good. Usually the setup, that I do is
>>>>>>                 that I have Apache serving only the port 443
>>>>>>                 (https) for both the static content and the (wss)
>>>>>>                 websocket endpoint. And I use a mapping file
>>>>>>                 between the Websocket endpoint that get returned
>>>>>>                 by my launcher and the host/port I should connect
>>>>>>                 to on the backend to establish the link between
>>>>>>                 the client and the actual ParaViewWeb server
>>>>>>                 instance.
>>>>>>                 But that does not mean, that's the only way to do
>>>>>>                 it and if you don't mind having several port
>>>>>>                 open, I don't see why it could not work.
>>>>>>                     Concerning:
>>>>>>                     https://kitware.github.io/visualizer/docs/
>>>>>>                     <https://kitware.github.io/visualizer/docs/>
>>>>>>                     The web visuailzer should work via npm
>>>>>>                     installation? It does not work for me:
>>>>>>                     C:\Users\danie\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\pvw-visualizer\bin\pvw-visualizer-cli.js:41
>>>>>>                     var pvPythonExecs =
>>>>>>                     find(paraview).filter(function(file) { return
>>>>>>                     file.match(/pvpython$/) ||
>>>>>>                     file.match(/pvpython.exe$/); });            
>>>>>>                                            ^ TypeError:
>>>>>>                     find(...).filter is not a function     at
>>>>>>                     Object.<anonymous>
>>>>>>                     (C:\Users\danie\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\pvw-visualizer\bin\pvw-visualizer-cli.js:41:36)
>>>>>>                         at Module._compile (module.js:409:26)    
>>>>>>                     at Object.Module._extensions..js
>>>>>>                     (module.js:416:10)     at Module.load
>>>>>>                     (module.js:343:32)     at
>>>>>>                     Function.Module._load (module.js:300:12)    
>>>>>>                     at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:441:10)
>>>>>>                         at startup (node.js:139:18)     at
>>>>>>                     node.js:968:3 
>>>>>>                 Well, I guess I haven't tried to run the new
>>>>>>                 Visualizer server on a Windows machine.
>>>>>>                 But with ParaView 5.2 (yet to be released), we
>>>>>>                 should have a ParaViewWeb back in the binaries.
>>>>>>                 So we should make sure our Visualizer command
>>>>>>                 line tool work on that platform as well.
>>>>>>                 Although, the command line is more for beginners
>>>>>>                 than anything else as it only simplify the demo
>>>>>>                 usage. In real word deployment, with a launcher,
>>>>>>                 the true pvpython command line should be used
>>>>>>                 instead.
>>>>>>                 Here is an example of what you should see in a
>>>>>>                 working environment:
>>>>>>                 $ Visualizer -d ~/Downloads/
>>>>>>                 ===============================================================================
>>>>>>                 | Execute:
>>>>>>                 | $ /Applications/paraview.app/Contents/bin/pvpython
>>>>>>                 |   -dr
>>>>>>                 |
>>>>>>                 /Users/seb/Documents/code/Web2/visualizer/server/pvw-visualizer.py
>>>>>>                 |   --content
>>>>>>                 |   /Users/seb/Documents/code/Web2/visualizer/dist
>>>>>>                 |   --port
>>>>>>                 |   8080
>>>>>>                 |   --data
>>>>>>                 |   /Users/seb/Downloads/
>>>>>>                 ===============================================================================
>>>>>>                 [...]
>>>>>>                 -- Daniel Zuidinga Dipl.-Ing. SEO Aachen Passstr.
>>>>>>                 5 52070 Aachen Tel   : 0241 / 450 912 67 E-Mail:
>>>>>>                 info at seoaachen.de <mailto:info at seoaachen.de> Web 
>>>>>>                  : http://www.seoaachen.de (nur zum Teil aktuell)
>>>>>>                 Xing  :
>>>>>>                 https://www.xing.com/profile/Daniel_Zuidinga
>>>>>>                 <https://www.xing.com/profile/Daniel_Zuidinga>
>>>>>>                 Bald online: Software Tools für Konstrukteure und
>>>>>>                 Bauteilhersteller http://www.engineeringonline.de
>>>>>>                 <http://www.engineeringonline.de>
>>>>>>                 _______________________________________________
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>>>>>>                 Please keep messages on-topic and check the
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