[Paraview] Catalyst issue with pvti output.

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Wed Aug 24 10:53:27 EDT 2016

Hi Jean,

I'm guessing you missed the vtkCPInputDataDescription::SetWholeExtent()
method in your adaptor. Catalyst runs like "pvbatch -sym", i.e. each
process runs the script and we avoid MPI reduce operations to process 0.
This results in process 0 (the process that writes out the meta xml file)
not knowing the whole extent. By using
vtkCPInputDataDescription::SetWholeExtent() it should fix that.

If that's not the case, please let me know and we'll try and figure why
things aren't working properly. Also, please let me know if this fixes the
image output issue. I haven't seen that before and would like to make sure
it's not a bug elsewhere that's causing this.

By the way, with Live does the data set extent show the correct values in
the gui? I don't think I've checked on that and would like to verify that
is correct.


On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Favre Jean <jfavre at cscs.ch> wrote:

> Hello Catalyst developers
> I have my first parallel simulation interfaced with Catalyst live. I use
> PV 5.1.2
> While the live display has all the pieces, with the correct sub-extents,
> and the renderview shows the full grid without any missing piece, I find
> that the Parallel Image Data Writer does not correctly write the
> WholeExtent, using the 0-th piece's extents, instead of the global extent.
> Correcting the output by hand, enables me to later view the full grid. So,
> all pieces are correct, I only have a problem with the WholExtent. For
> example, running on 4 MPI tasks, I get
> <VTKFile type="PImageData" version="1.0" byte_order="LittleEndian"
> header_type="UInt64">
>   <PImageData WholeExtent="0 11 0 11 0 0" GhostLevel="0" Origin="0 0 0"
> Spacing="1 1 1">
>     <PPointData>
>       <PDataArray type="Float64" Name="temperature"/>
>     </PPointData>
>     <Piece Extent="0 11 0 11 0 0" Source="filename_624_0.vti"/>
>     <Piece Extent="0 11 10 21 0 0" Source="filename_624_1.vti"/>
>     <Piece Extent="10 21 0 11 0 0" Source="filename_624_2.vti"/>
>     <Piece Extent="10 21 10 21 0 0" Source="filename_624_3.vti"/>
>   </PImageData>
> </VTKFile>
> whereas the correct line should be
>   <PImageData WholeExtent="0 21 0 21 0 0" GhostLevel="0" Origin="0 0 0"
> Spacing="1 1 1">
> is this a know issue?
> likewise, eventhough the live paraview renderview shows the full image,
> when I run my simulation and save screnshots, I only the image output of
> Task 0.
> Is this known? or is it a problem with my own code? I am puzzled by the
> fact that when connecting live to the simulation, all pieces are at the
> right places, so I do see a full resolution mesh. Why should the PNG and
> *pvti files be missing pieces?
> Thanks for any tips.
> -----------------
> Jean
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