[Paraview] Catalyst example with stream tracer

Luigi Calori l.calori at cineca.it
Mon Aug 22 15:09:06 EDT 2016

We are trying to add stream tracer filter to a catalyst pipeline that 
handle a simulation with an image data
vector field ( evenly distributed among processors )
We got "floating invalid" error, even when running on a single core
A similar pipeline is running ok in paraview with the field saved by 
simulation and reopened in paraview
We have also tried to use StreamTraceWith CustomSource with same result.

Thanks in advance for any hints, expecially any example of catalyst 


Luigi Calori
SuperComputing Applications and Innovation Department
CINECA - via Magnanelli, 6/3, 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna) - ITALY
Tel: +39 051 6171509  Fax: +39 051 6132198

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