[Paraview] Visualizing data in vtkOverlappingAMR format

Shawn Qin xsqin at uw.edu
Wed Aug 17 14:16:20 EDT 2016

Hello all,

Our group are trying to use Paraview to visualize output from our code 
(http://www.clawpack.org/). I wrote a python script to convert our 
output to 2D _*vtkOverlappingAMR*_ format. This format follows the 
template given by an example in the VTK (not Paraview) source code: 

But when I use Paraview to open a single vtk file, it get crashed 
occasionally with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". The even more 
weird thing is that if you click on "apply" fast enough after open the 
vtk file, it is very likely to crash. But if you do these operations in 
Paraview slower, it will probably be fine and everything get visualized 




Xinsheng Qin
Ph.D. Student at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Master Student at Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Washington
xsqin at uw.edu

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