[Paraview] Custom filters displayed in a category

zackary beaugelin zackary.beaugelin at epitech.eu
Tue Aug 9 05:31:28 EDT 2016

Hello dear users,

I'm currently developing some filters (compiled into a custom plugin) under a custom version of Paraview.
The different filters are (supposed to be) displayed in a category in the menu "Filters".
On a Ubuntu 14.04 64bits computer they are not displayed (2 out of 3 still findable/applicable by crtl-space), and on a Kubuntu 16.04 64bits computer they are in their category (all findable/applicable).
They both have the same Paraview version (5.1.0) and have the same sources.
The filters are displayed in the category while under Paraview (both PC), but then going under the custom version they are not shown (Ubuntu, while they are shown under Kubuntu PC).
Does anybody have a clue on how to make those filters appear?


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