[Paraview] Export scene creates images without actual object

Armin Wehrfritz dkxls23 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 12:39:38 EDT 2016

> Thanks for the hint! We are using the legacy OpenGL backend
> client-side. Server-side I don't know since it was pre-installed on
> the system I'm using. Is there a way for me to check how the pvserver
> was compiled or is it only dependent on the client anyways?
I don't know how to check for the OpenGL backend on the server. Neither
do I know if that would effect the "export scene" feature.
Where is the rendering done, server-side or client-side?

If you know that your client is compiled with the old OpenGL backend,
you could enforce the rendering on the client and see if that works. To
do that you have to adjust the remote rendering threshold in the settings.


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