[Paraview] building Paraview with OSMesa from source on Linux

Hart, Cynthia Joyce - (cyndyb) cyndyb at email.arizona.edu
Fri Apr 8 16:44:58 EDT 2016

I am attempting to build Paraview with OSMesa support, for use with ‘headless’ rendering on my Universities’ HPC cluster.  Needless to say, I don’t have root access.  But I do have a ’nice big space’ with which to work on.  I set up a install directory in a directory I have permissions on.  I’m 99% of the way ’there’ to a build , but I fail on ‘make install’.  It looks like a permissions issue.. Is there some way around this, without permissions?  Here’s where I get stuck:

-- Install configuration: "Release"

CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:36 (FILE):

  file cannot create directory:

  /rsgrps/rc/cyndyb/ParaView/install/share/paraview-4.3.  Maybe need

  administrative privileges.

I have tried, by the way, creating the above directory beforehand – no help.  I don’t know very much (at all) about cmake, and the documentations’ a bit ‘weighty’.  Can somemone tell me what I can do to get past this error, or direct me to precisely where I can learn what I need to know, here?



Scientific Visualization Specialist
University of Arizona

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