[Paraview] PVD for Sharing Mesh among Time Steps

Sean.Ziegeler at engilitycorp.com Sean.Ziegeler at engilitycorp.com
Mon Apr 4 11:21:03 EDT 2016

Hi Samuel,
Thanks for the suggestions and the example file.  I'll hang on to that example in case I ever need the multi-part capability!

The potential "mesh sharing" capability for time steps was mentioned in an old mail list post that I ran across when Googling for this feature:
However, perhaps it was done on a branch of ParaView and maybe not ever incorporated into the mainline distributions.

It does mention Ensight Gold format in that mail list thread, which does at least not have any library dependencies.  I'll think about using that, though I'd have to bite the bullet and start from scratch.  The vtu/pvtu format is easier right now because I already have code that writes those out.


From: Samuel Key [samuelkey at bresnan.net]
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2016 1:03 PM
To: Ziegeler, Sean @ EngilityCorp; Simons, Don @ EngilityCorp
Subject: Re: [Paraview] PVD for Sharing Mesh among Time Steps


To my knowledge, *.vtu files all have "a fresh copy" of the nodal point coordinates and connectivity. Hence, when you have time steps (or load steps) you get a lot of files and if the mesh is large (for example, 100x100x100). the files are large. Up to know, the only simulation results format of which I am aware that has a one-time (t=0.0) coordinate and connectivity model data is the ExodusII format.

It is possible to have a single *.pvd file that references both the "parts" and "time steps." I have attached an example.

Hope this helps,

Samuel Key
FMA Development, LLC
1005 39th Ave NE
Great Falls, Montana 59404

On 3/30/2016 6:09 PM, Sean.Ziegeler at engilitycorp.com<mailto:Sean.Ziegeler at engilitycorp.com> wrote:
Hi all,
A few old posts indicate that the PVD format could be used to specify a single mesh (unstructured, in my case) for all time steps without having to repeat the mesh in every vtu/pvtu file.  I can't seem to find any docs or examples on that approach.  I can't seem to generate it from ParaView either.  Does anyone have an example of such a PVD file?

I'll look in the writer source code if I have to, but if an example is readily available, it sure would save me some time.  I know there are other output options too, but I'd like to stick with one that is straightforward and has no dependencies (HDF5, Silo, etc.).


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