[Paraview] Background in 3D mode

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Fri Apr 1 14:03:23 EDT 2016

And of course I just now realized that you are asking for 3D ie
stereoscopic mode and remembered that tiled display does not (yet) support
Crystal Eyes active stereo.


David E DeMarle
Kitware, Inc.
R&D Engineer
21 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
Phone: 518-881-4909

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 1:45 PM, David E DeMarle <dave.demarle at kitware.com>

> Aiming for this right?
> -------------------
> |1-1|1-2|2-1|2-2|
> -------------------
> |3-1|3-2|4-1|4-2|
> -------------------
> -tdx=3 -tdy=2
> machinefile.txt that you pass to mpi should be (syntax depends on your mpi)
> node1
> node1
> node2
> node2
> node3
> node3
> node4
> node4
> The point being that you want them to start up in the same order that you
> have in your pvx file. Use > mpirun ... /bin/uname (and xterm -r "uname -a"
> -hold) to work out the details.
> Lastly you don't need the LowerLeft, LowerRight and UpperRight for tile
> mode, but it will be useful for stereoscopic display so keep it handy.
> David E DeMarle
> Kitware, Inc.
> R&D Engineer
> 21 Corporate Drive
> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
> Phone: 518-881-4909
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 1:06 PM, Cindy Castro <cindy.castro at uvsq.fr> wrote:
>> H Joachim and David,
>> Thank you for answering. I tried to apply an Image AND Gradient
>> background and it was not correctly split over the different screens. I
>> think it is cave mode actually. I have tested tile mode but the display is
>> not well ordered. I tried to correct it with mpirun (-tdx=2, -tdy=4) but I
>> may have missed something in the command line.
>> Here is my pvx file :
>> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
>> <pvx>
>>  <Process Type="client" />
>>  <Process Type="server">
>>  <EyeSeparation Value="0.060"/>
>>   <Machine Name="node1-1"
>>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.0"
>>            FullScreen="0"
>>            ShowBorders="0"
>>            Geometry="1920x1080+0+0"
>>            LowerLeft=" -2.593 0.992 -2.593"
>>            LowerRight="-1.497 0.993 -3.689"
>>            UpperRight="-1.497 1.865 -3.689" />
>>   <Machine Name="node1-2"
>>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.0"
>>            FullScreen="0"
>>            ShowBorders="0"
>>            Geometry="1920x1080+1920+0"
>>            LowerLeft=" -1.497 0.993 -3.689"
>>            LowerRight=" 0.000 0.997 -4.090"
>>            UpperRight=" 0.000 1.869 -4.090" />
>>   <Machine Name="node2-1"
>>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.0"
>>            FullScreen="0"
>>            ShowBorders="0"
>>            Geometry="1920x1080+0+0"
>>            LowerLeft="  0.000 0.997 -4.090"
>>            LowerRight=" 1.497 1.007 -3.689"
>>            UpperRight=" 1.497 1.879 -3.689"/>
>>   <Machine Name="node2-2"
>>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.0"
>>            FullScreen="0"
>>            ShowBorders="0"
>>            Geometry="1920x1080+1920+0"
>>        LowerLeft="  1.497 1.007 -3.689"
>>            LowerRight=" 2.593 0.997 -2.593"
>>            UpperRight=" 2.593 1.869 -2.593"/>
>>   <Machine Name="node3-1"
>>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.0"
>>            FullScreen="0"
>>            ShowBorders="0"
>>            Geometry="1920x1080+0+0"
>>            LowerLeft=" -2.593 0.120 -2.593"
>>            LowerRight="-1.497 0.121 -3.689"
>>            UpperRight="-1.497 0.993 -3.689" />
>>   <Machine Name="node3-2"
>>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.0"
>>            FullScreen="0"
>>            ShowBorders="0"
>>            Geometry="1920x1080+1920+0"
>>            LowerLeft=" -1.497 0.121 -3.689"
>>            LowerRight=" 0.000 0.125 -4.090"
>>            UpperRight=" 0.000 0.997 -4.090" />
>>   <Machine Name="node4-1"
>>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.0"
>>            FullScreen="0"
>>            ShowBorders="0"
>>            Geometry="1920x1080+0+0"
>>            LowerLeft="  0.000 0.125 -4.090"
>>            LowerRight=" 1.497 0.135 -3.689"
>>            UpperRight=" 1.497 1.007 -3.689"/>
>>   <Machine Name="node4-2"
>>            Environment="DISPLAY=:0.0"
>>            FullScreen="0"
>>            ShowBorders="0"
>>            Geometry="1920x1080+1920+0"
>>            LowerLeft="  1.497 0.135 -3.689"
>>            LowerRight=" 2.593 0.125 -2.593"
>>            UpperRight=" 2.593 0.997 -2.593"/>
>>   </Process>
>> </pvx>
>> Regards,
>> Cindy
>> Le 01/04/2016 17:55, David E DeMarle a écrit :
>> Cindy,
>> I can't remember which mode, tile or cave, doesn't support tile and
>> gradient background. But from what you and Joachim say it must be cave.
>> You should aim for tile mode then. You can enforce and thus correct the
>> ordering problem you see  with tile mode with your mpirun command and the
>> your cave.pvx file. Can you share your
>> /opt/software/ParaView/PVresources/wall_config.pvx? So I can suggest a fix?
>> thanks
>> David E DeMarle
>> Kitware, Inc.
>> R&D Engineer
>> 21 Corporate Drive
>> Clifton Park, NY 12065-8662
>> Phone: 518-881-4909
>> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 11:10 AM, Joachim Pouderoux <
>> <joachim.pouderoux at kitware.com>joachim.pouderoux at kitware.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Cindy,
>>> Not totally sure to understand - are you trying to apply an Image or
>>> Gradient background and would like it to be correctly split over the
>>> different screen? If so, I am afraid this feature is not supported.
>>> Best,
>>> Joachim
>>> *Joachim Pouderoux*
>>> *PhD, Technical Expert*
>>> *Kitware SAS <http://www.kitware.fr>*
>>> 2016-04-01 10:06 GMT+02:00 Cindy Castro < <cindy.castro at uvsq.fr>
>>> cindy.castro at uvsq.fr>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am using ParaView in client/server mode with stereo. I have a cluster
>>>> with 4 nodes, 1 GPU each (NVIDIA K5000) and 8 screens for display.
>>>> My problem is I can not find how to span a background over my 8
>>>> screens. The background is displayed on each screen. 3D models are well
>>>> displayed in 3D (no problem with that).
>>>> The server is run with the command:
>>>> mpirun -np 8 -machinefile
>>>> /opt/software/ParaView/PVscripts/server_machinefile.txt
>>>> /opt/software/ParaView/ParaView-5.0.0-bin/bin/pvserver -rc
>>>> --client-host=mire-pc /opt/software/ParaView/PVresources/wall_config.pvx
>>>> I tried tiles mode but the display is not in the right order...
>>>> Can you help me ? Is it possible to span a background over several
>>>> screens in 3D mode ? I is really useful when rendering.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> --
>>>> Cindy CASTRO
>>>> Responsable plateforme DIGISCOPE-MIRE
>>>> Plateforme d'Intégration et de Tests (PIT)
>>>> --
>>>> Observatoire de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (OVSQ)
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>>>> 11 Boulevard d'Alembert
>>>> 78280 Guyancourt
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>>>> Bâtiment principal - RDC - Bureau 215
>>>> Tél : +33 (0)1 80 28 51 03 <%2B33%20%280%291%2080%2028%2051%2003>
>>>> Salle MIRE : +33 (0)1 80 28 54 93
>>>> <%2B33%20%280%291%2080%2028%2054%2093>
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>> --
>> Cindy CASTRO
>> Responsable plateforme DIGISCOPE-MIRE
>> Plateforme d'Intégration et de Tests (PIT)
>> --
>> Observatoire de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (OVSQ)
>> Quartier des Garennes
>> 11 Boulevard d'Alembert
>> 78280 Guyancourt
>> --
>> Bâtiment principal - RDC - Bureau 215
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