[Paraview] Volume Rendering 17GB 8.5 billion cell volume

David Trudgian David.Trudgian at UTSouthwestern.edu
Mon Sep 28 10:46:48 EDT 2015

Hi Berk,

Finally managed to grab an allocation of some Tesla K40 nodes on our cluster, to check GPU rendering of the full 17GB file with 2 x 12GB GPUs. I see the same thing as I did with OSMesa rendering.

The 9GB downsampled version works great, across 2 nodes both with a single K40. Go up to the 17GB original file and nothing is rendered, no errors. Same behavior with OPENGL or OPENGL2 backends.

This is all on paraview 4.3.1 still – I need to find time to build OSMesa / MPI versions of 4.4 here. But, does 4.4. have any fixes that would be expected to affect this?


David Trudgian Ph.D.
Computational Scientist, BioHPC
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX 75390-9039
Tel: (214) 648-4833

From: Berk Geveci [mailto:berk.geveci at kitware.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 2:43 PM
To: David Trudgian <David.Trudgian at UTSouthwestern.edu>
Cc: ParaView Mailing List <paraview at paraview.org>
Subject: Re: [Paraview] Volume Rendering 17GB 8.5 billion cell volume

Hey David,

I am hoping to have some time to play around with volume rendering and hopefully tracking this issue, one thing that I wanted to clarify: it sounds from you description that you have a short (2 byte) value. Is that correct?


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 5:00 PM, David Trudgian <david.trudgian at utsouthwestern.edu<mailto:david.trudgian at utsouthwestern.edu>> wrote:

We have been experimenting with using Paraview to display very volumes from very
large TIFF stacks generated by whole-brain microscopy equipment. The test stack
has dimensions of 5,368x10,695x150. Stack is assembled in ImageJ from individual
TIFFs, exported as a RAW and loaded into paraview. Saved as a .vti for
convenience. Can view slices fine in standalone paraview client on a 256GB machine.

When we attempt volume rendering on this data across multiple nodes with MPI
nothing appears in the client. Surface view works as expected. On switching to
volume rendering the client's display will show nothing. There are no messages
from the client or servers - no output.

This is happening when running pvserver across GPU nodes with NVIDIA Tesla
cards, or using CPU only with OSMESA. pvserver memory usage is well below what
we have on the nodes - no memory warnings/errors.

Data is about 17GB, 8 billion cells. If we downsize to ~4GB or ~9GB then we can
get working volume rendering. The 17GB never works regardless of scaling
nodes/mpi processes. The 4/9GB will work on 1 or 2 nodes.

Am confused by the lack of rendering, as we don't have memory issues, or an
other messages at all. Am wondering if there are any inherent limitation, or I'm
missing something stupid.


Dave Trudgian

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