[Paraview] ParaView in stereo with NVidia 3D Vision

Carlson, Eric Ecarlson at eng.ua.edu
Mon Sep 7 10:50:56 EDT 2015

Hello Jim,
Before spending too much time tracking this down as an error, and just to be sure, are you trying to do this with "3D Vision" or "3D Vision Pro"? The regular 3D Vision does not have OpenGL capabilities and so will not give you stereo. If you are using 3D Vision Pro, then I defer to the ParaView gurus...


From: ParaView [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Jim.Eliot at awe.co.uk
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2015 9:25 AM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [Paraview] ParaView in stereo with NVidia 3D Vision

Good afternoon everyone,

I have been trying to use ParaView in stereo using NVidia 3D Vision glasses but I am seeing an error. I am using ParaView version 4.3.1 on Linux built using Superbuild.

I have been launching ParaView as follows:

    paraview --stereo --stereo-type="Crystal Eyes"

When ParaView starts I see the following error message:

ERROR: In <path>/build/paraview/src/paraview/VTK/Rendering/OpenGL/vtkOpenGLCamera.cxx, line 167
vtk OpenGLCamera (0x33c9940): failed after Render 1 OpenGL errors detected
  0 : (1282) Invalid operation

Is this a problem with how I am trying to use ParaView, or is it a bug? Is there anything that I can try to get stereo working?


Jim Eliot
High Performance Computing Group
AWE, Aldermaston, Reading, RG7 4PR

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