[Paraview] [EXT] Re: Stupid question on Programmable Source

Dennis Conklin dennis_conklin at goodyear.com
Sat Oct 24 10:54:40 EDT 2015


Thanks, that works great and allows us to add a Goodyear-specific file to our readers here.  That ReaderFactory is a very nice feature!  This will not only be a help to our analysts, it will also tend to make more Paraview  converts here!


-----Original Message-----
From: Utkarsh Ayachit [mailto:utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2015 3:53 PM
To: Dennis Conklin <dennis_conklin at goodyear.com>
Cc: Paraview (paraview at paraview.org) <paraview at paraview.org>
Subject: Re: [EXT] Re: [Paraview] Stupid question on Programmable Source

> 1.  I really want this as a reader, that everyone can use.    Is there some way to have the user enter a filename which is more elegant than having them edit the script?   For instance, can the server-side xml plugin stuff be edited slightly to work with a Programmable source, so I could put in a text box for them to type the filename.    Even better would be a popup file browser, but I dream!

All doable :). Just needs some XML magic to come together. This old post (http://www.kitware.com/blog/home/post/534) talks about how you can create a XML for programmable source. Adding "ReaderFactor hints"
to the XML will make ParaView treat this as a reader. Then, your users can simply load the script.

> 2.  I assume without compiling here that I cannot actually get this as a reader, correct?

Wrong :). I've attached the XML created from your script. You can load this as a plugin using the Plugin Manager, it can now open files using File Open Dialog. I generated  the XML using

> python python_filter_generator.py ringle_read.py ringle_reader.xm

Then manually editing the XML to add reader factory hints etc. The python_filter_generator.py needs to be updated/extended to add support for creating reader etc.

Just load the ringle_reader.xml using the Plugin manager and ParaView will  be able to open *.neut.out files.

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