[Paraview] Animations: inserting text-only frames

Giordano Lipari giordano_lipari at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Oct 8 08:43:55 EDT 2015

Hi all! My wish is to present written matter on dedicated frames before
and after an animation. This could be title, description,
acknowledgement, credits and so forth. This information is not meant to
be persistent while the animation rolls on. Also interesting would be
the possibility to interpose such frames in the animation and mark
moments of change with some textual presentation.

I am already aware of the possibility of annotations, yet I would like
it better to interpose dedicated text-only frames. After a shallow,
though not careless, query in the Paraview documentation and archives I
have spotted no clues. (Happy to be corrected.)

Is Paraview capable of editing an animation to this extent?
If so, how? Could you please describe the procedure?
If not, has anyone experienced this need and found a workaround?

Thanks in advance for dealing with this.

Giordano Lipari

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