[Paraview] plot title

Aleksejs Fomins aleksejs.fomins at lspr.ch
Mon Nov 16 11:55:04 EST 2015

Hey Samuel,

This really helps. To be honest, I knew about the annotate time feature, but I thought I could have time in the lower corner and title on the top. Anyway, this works as well

Thank you

On 16.11.2015 16:26, Samuel Key wrote:
> Aleksejs,
> This is not the only way, but a convenient way to add a title to an animation.
> Add an Annotate Time filter to the pipe line. Hit apply. Make sure that 'gear' button is slected. There are 6 'default' locations: Top-Left, Top-Center, Top-Right, Btm-Left,... Also, you can pick a custom location. Text font and size is completely selectable.
> You can either use "Time: %f" and add title text after it, before it, or erase "Time:%f"
> You can add in parallel another Annotate Time filter... und so weiter.
> Hope this helps
> Samuel W Key
> FMA Development, LLC
> 1005 39th Ave NE
> Great Falls, Montana 59404
> On 11/16/2015 6:58 AM, Aleksejs Fomins wrote:
>> Dear Paraview,
>> Sorry for the basic question, but I can't manage to get a title for my plot.
>> I am visualising a set of PVTU files from which I wish to make a movie.
>> Would you be so kind as to suggest where I must click to have a user-defined line of text at the top of the plot
>> Regards,
>> Aleksejs Fomins
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