[Paraview] using pvbatch to write pvti/vti file sets

Vanmoer, Mark W mvanmoer at illinois.edu
Tue Jun 30 18:22:39 EDT 2015

Hi ParaView,

When using the client GUI, Save Data will write out a pvti/vti data set with a vti for each processor. When trying this with pvbatch I'm only getting a single vti. I'm calling the pvbatch with

aprun -n 32 pvpython myscript.py

which I think should generate 1 pvti and 32 vtis. This is using ParaView 4.1.0. 

myscript.py is a hack, I'm reading a pvti that's split into 8192 vtis and trying to re-write out fewer, say 32 or 64. This is part of troubleshooting what I think might be a lustre issue. 

# myscript.py
try: paraview.simple
except: from paraview.simple import *
reader = XMLPartitionedImageDataReader(FileName=['test-input.pvti'])
writer = XMLPImageDataWriter()
writer.Input = reader
writer.CompressorType = 'ZLib'
writer.FileName = 'test-output.pvti'

Is what I want to do possible? If not, is there a recommended way to merge vtis?

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