[Paraview] Filters in paraview

Dan Lipsa dan.lipsa at kitware.com
Fri Jun 12 12:02:56 EDT 2015

Also checkout ParaView Tutorial

ParaView Catalyst user guide has a section on VTK datatypes (section 3.3)

For a comprehensive study of VTK and visualization check out
VTK User's Guide and/or The Visualization Toolkit. These are printed books.


On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 10:23 AM Vishnubharathi T <vishnu2bharathi at gmail.com>

> Dear Paraviewer's,
> Learning paraview by following paraview-guide(
> http://www.paraview.org/paraview-guide/).   I understood how to follow
> and implement a filter. But, I didnt understood the following below.
> Please could you help me in this regard. I searched many places in internet
> but couldnt find answers for these nor I could find tutorial videos for
> this.
> 1. I have been going through filters in paraview.   I counldnt understand
> the Data arrays namely *points, cells, field data arrays.*
> 1.2  What is meant by Dataset in paraview(few examples for data set?)
> 2.Partial arrays- What is meant by this? couldnt get what that meant.
> (practical example for partial array data set)
> 3. Mapping Data-  How it affects the cell normals time line gap?  any
> example for this?
> 4. Calculator Filter: When can we use it & whats the function of this
> filter?
>               Below are the terms I saw in properties tab of Calculator
> Filter: What if refers  to?
>                 1.  Scalars & Vectors in Property option
>                 2. Attribute mode:  Point data,  cell data
> [Example for above will be helpful in learning, In pdf I see how to use
> it, but what its actual meaning I couldnt understand]
> 5.Plot over Line Filter:  Requiremnt- we need arrays and attribute type to
> use this.  what is meant by *arrays here*. I know arrays as a parameter
> holding large values, but can  you give me an example here.
> 6.Extract subset Filter  & Append Dataset Filter:   for both these, I can
> implement by following tutorial pdf. What it actually does I couldnt
> understand. Please  help in this.
> 7.Threshold Filter:  For this we selects scalars and specify range.    Can
> you give me some practical example to understand?
>  Datatype used: Point data & cell data( example for these data types)
> 8.What are seed points?  what are Point Cloud & Line source?  These I
> could see in Stream Trace Filter(checked the pdf and dist_out_ref.ex2 file)
> but couldnt  understand what that disk_out_ref.ex2 file actually is?
> PS: share any material/source for the above points.
> Previously referred sites:
> http://www.paraview.org/paraview-guide/
> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView
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