[Paraview] Info about AMR datasets/structures

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Thu Jun 11 15:52:11 EDT 2015

Hi John,

There is some info here:


It doesn't answer all the questions you asked but it is a decent reference.

vtkOverlappingAMR implements a somewhat strict Berger-Colella style AMR

* Refinement ratio across levels is constant
* Each block at levels > 0 need to be covered 100% by one parent block of
previous level
* Some other restriction about what happens at the boundary that I forget

So it won't do what you want.

You can directly use vtkUniformGridAMR, which does not impose any
restrictions. Most filters should work for this class - there just wouldn't
be any specialized filters such as the dual-grid contour / clip ones for
the vtkOverlappingAMR.


On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddisco at cscs.ch>

>  Dear list,
>  I would like to generate some AMR data structures from custom data and
> filters, but I’m having trouble locating information about the
> format/relationships of AMR blocks. The wiki contains old outdated
> references to the heirarchicalbox structures and not to the overlapping and
> non overlapping AMR formats.
>  Specifically, I’d like to know if each level of AMR boxes must always
> have a fixed refinement level wrt to the level above, or whether I can
> refine arbitrarily (i.e. Have a root box of resolution x and sub boxes with
> different subdivision ratios at the same level). Also, the overlapping AMR
> dataset examples I’ve looked at seem to use an oct tree style decomposition
> where each node must be subdivided along mid planes, can I use a pure
> BSPtree where every node is subdivided along any axis at any point on the
> axis and still maintain a non overlapping amr dataset?
>  The vtkAMRInformation documentation consists only of
>  Refinement ratio between AMR levels
> Grid spacing for each level
> The file block index for each block
> parent child information, if requested
>  But does the refinement ratio have to be constant for each level?
> Most of the paraview filters appear to be greyed out for
> vtkNonOverlappingAMR data, whereas the Overlapping appears to have support
> for certain operations like contouring and slicing – is it the case that
> only nonoverlapping datasets are supported for these operations.
>  If there is detailed info anywhere, could someone please send me a link.
>  Thanks
>  JB
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