[Paraview] Info about AMR datasets/structures

Biddiscombe, John A. biddisco at cscs.ch
Wed Jun 10 17:40:08 EDT 2015

Dear list,

I would like to generate some AMR data structures from custom data and filters, but I’m having trouble locating information about the format/relationships of AMR blocks. The wiki contains old outdated references to the heirarchicalbox structures and not to the overlapping and non overlapping AMR formats.

Specifically, I’d like to know if each level of AMR boxes must always have a fixed refinement level wrt to the level above, or whether I can refine arbitrarily (i.e. Have a root box of resolution x and sub boxes with different subdivision ratios at the same level). Also, the overlapping AMR dataset examples I’ve looked at seem to use an oct tree style decomposition where each node must be subdivided along mid planes, can I use a pure BSPtree where every node is subdivided along any axis at any point on the axis and still maintain a non overlapping amr dataset?

The vtkAMRInformation documentation consists only of

Refinement ratio between AMR levels
Grid spacing for each level
The file block index for each block
parent child information, if requested

But does the refinement ratio have to be constant for each level?
Most of the paraview filters appear to be greyed out for vtkNonOverlappingAMR data, whereas the Overlapping appears to have support for certain operations like contouring and slicing – is it the case that only nonoverlapping datasets are supported for these operations.

If there is detailed info anywhere, could someone please send me a link.


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