[Paraview] load ensight gold ASCII format data

Lian Gan lian.gan at durham.ac.uk
Tue Jun 9 05:14:19 EDT 2015

Hello there,

I'm new to this list.

I have a question about paraview plotting ensight gold ascii format 
data. Following the ensight manual, I generated the .case file, .geo 
file and some variable files using MATLAB. The format should be correct, 
since paraview successfully loads the case file and recognizes the 
variables and their data range, so i think this implies that the .case 
file links to the variable files successfully.

The problem is that nothing can be plotted, e.g. isosurface and slice.

The data set is a simple rectilinear 3D structured grid with both scalar 
and vector stored on each node. I have some experience of paraview. When 
I convert the above mentioned data set to vtk ascii format, everything 
works fine.

Can anyone point a direction to solve this problem please? Did I miss 
anything, or anything different when plotting vtk and ensight gold 
format data?

Many thanks in advance.


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