[Paraview] How to assign separate parallel pvserver processes to separate independent datasets?

Krishna Pai krishnapai09 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 17:26:53 EDT 2015

Hi all,

I know that, normally, ParaView works with one large dataset and partitions
it based on the number of processes, then renders and merges the results,
which I can then view on my ParaView GUI locally. What I want to do is take
a bunch of independent datasets and make each parallel process render them
without partitioning them further. In other words, I want a one-to-one
correspondence between a parallel process and a dataset with the ability to
view them separately locally (which I can do by filtering by Process ID).
So far, I've tried opening a couple of datasets separately and
simultaneously (using ctrl to select them both), and combined them with
AppendDatasets to see if they would separate out in the way I want. That
didn't work. In both instances, ParaView partitioned each dataset and
rendered a part of them in each process. I would appreciate any tips.

Krishna Pai
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