[Paraview] Translucent Rendering Options

Patrick Brockmann Patrick.Brockmann at lsce.ipsl.fr
Thu Jul 23 11:19:09 EDT 2015


Is it possible to render polydata cells without any depth consideration 
when they are rendered with opacity ?

The attached image shows the problem.
The different cells (made from cap of sphere sources) intersect on some 
planes. That is correct.
But I would like to render the cells without this problem of 
intersection of planes by setting some opacity.
So what ever the position of 2 cells, if one is above or bellow or 
intersect the other one, I will see the overlap
  (the information I am looking for actually) from the "addition" of the 
Is it clear ?

I have tried different settings from the Render View on the Translucent 
Rendring Options but without success.

Any idea ?

You can find the vtk file example from 


Data Analysis and Visualization Engineer
ICMC - IPSL Climate Modelling Centre

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