[Paraview] Zooming through the ParaViewWeb API

Jordan Deyton deytonjh at ornl.gov
Wed Jul 1 18:12:10 EDT 2015

ParaViewWeb gurus,

Is there a correct way to send a zoom request through the ParaViewWeb API?

I'm especially looking at the PVW MouseHandler (documentation here -- 

I have had some success by sending a right-click with a small y value 
(looks like it needs to be between 0 and 1), the action set to "none", 
and buttonRight set to "true". However, when I afterward rotate the view 
(using the same RPC call with different methods), the rendered object 
just vanishes, although the axes and legend are still there.


Jordan Deyton
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Telephone: (865) 574-1091
Email: deytonjh at ornl.gov

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