[Paraview] Glyphs/Streamlines

Fastl, Thomas thomas.fastl at kcl.ac.uk
Wed Jan 28 18:49:23 EST 2015

Hello Community,

I am trying to view a vector field (one vector at each vertex stored as 'Point Data') in Paraview 4.2.0 using the 'Glyph' filter. After application of the filter and using the Glyph Type 'Line' I tried to scale these lines (all vectors are unity vectors) in length and diameter, but I haven't found this property and think that this has been possible in older versions. Is this still possible in Paraview 4.2.0?

Beside that I was trying to create streamlines from my static vector field. I tried 'Stream Tracer', but that didn't display any result in my case. Can anybody give me a hint on how to start working on that since I have never been doing this, thanks.

Kind regards,

DI Thomas E Fastl, BSc
Research Student
King's College London
School of Medicine
Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Rayne Institute
4th Floor, Lambeth Wing
St Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EH
Email: thomas.fastl at kcl.ac.uk<mailto://thomas.fastl@kcl.ac.uk>

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