[Paraview] Plotting data to an existing model's surface

Mark Belan belanma at mcmaster.ca
Thu Jan 22 11:50:03 EST 2015

Hello all,

I'm a graduate student in geology trying to do some visual data work, but
I'm afraid my inexperience with paraview is making things a bit difficult
for me.

Essentially what I'm trying to create is a 3D model of a rock that has its
surface coloured to show spatial distribution of a physical property
associated with certain areas on the rock.

I was able to reproduce the rock I sample from using a 3D scanner but I
have no idea how to go about selecting particular areas of the rock's
surface, assigning a value to that "area", and having the program
interpolate between multiple "areas". Essentially I'd like this to produce
a color gradient showcasing the changing values.

Can anyone offer some guidance/direction? I had someone at my campus
suggest creating a .csv file with x,y,z coordinates of the particular areas
of the model of interest, but after doing that all I've produced are
"points"...not sure how to specify the association to the model and color
and interpolation, etc.

Thanks for any help,

- Mark
*Mark Belan*, B. Art Sc.
*M. Sc. Candidate - Astrobiology*
*Lewis and Ruth Sherman Graduate Fellow*
McMaster University
School of Geography and Earth Sciences
GSB 323
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario
L8S 4L8

*Art*: www.markbelan.com
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