[Paraview] ANN: ParaView 4.3.1 is available for download

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Jan 22 10:57:32 EST 2015


Can you follow up with Rick please? These may be related to the
changes you made to Python in the superbuilds.


On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Angelini, Richard C (Rick) CIV
USARMY ARL (US) <richard.c.angelini.civ at mail.mil> wrote:
> The python and mpi issues both exist with the v4.3.1 of the superbuild —
> assuming I’m pulling things in correctly.
> ________________________________
> Rick Angelini
> USArmy Research Laboratory
> CISD/HPC Architectures Team
> Phone:  410-278-6266
> From: Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>
> Date: Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 9:41 AM
> To: Rick Angelini <Richard.C.Angelini.CIV at mail.mil>, Chuck Atkins
> <chuck.atkins at kitware.com>
> Cc: ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ANN: ParaView 4.3.1 is available for download
> Rich,
> I'd definitely stick with v4.3.1 checkout of the Superbuild. There
> have been changed pushed to git/master since the release that don't
> yet build on even our dashboards, so there's work that needs to be
> done.
> i.e.
> git clone git://paraview.org/ParaViewSuperbuild.git
> git checkout v4.3.1
> Even if that doesnt' solve the QCLucene problem. Since you said that
> was present in the past too, I somehow must have missed that it.
> That'd need separate tracking down. Let me know if the Python/MPI
> problems persist with the v4.3.1 version of the Superbuild. The
> git/master is certainly broken -- Chuck, I am assuming you're looking
> into fix the git/master version.
> Utkarsh
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Angelini, Richard C (Rick) CIV USARMY
> ARL (US) <richard.c.angelini.civ at mail.mil> wrote:
> Also – mpiexec didn’t get pushed to the install directory.
> It’s in the build directory but didn’t make it to install.
> ________________________________
> Rick Angelini
> USArmy Research Laboratory
> CISD/HPC Architectures Team
> Phone:  410-278-6266
> From: <Angelini>, Rick Angelini <Richard.C.Angelini.CIV at mail.mil>
> Date: Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 8:44 AM
> To: Rick Angelini <Richard.C.Angelini.CIV at mail.mil>, Utkarsh Ayachit
> <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>, ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ANN: ParaView 4.3.1 is available for download
> I reran “ccmake” in the paraview build directory and changed python to
> point to the one in the Paraview build rather than the system python, and
> I now have a clean build.      So,  there are a couple of issues:
> QCLucene – why does it fail and require a manual “make install” to complete
> Python – why isnt’ cmake picking up python  from the build directory?
> It seems to have ignored the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directive
> As far as I know, these are “new” issues.  I’m building on a generic RHEL5
> workstation for the first build.  They get much more difficult on the HPC
> systems.
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/angel/pv-test/${version} \
> -Ddownload_location=`pwd`/../Downloads \
> -DParaView_FROM_GIT=OFF \
> -DParaView_URL=`pwd`/../Downloads/ParaView-v4.3.1-source.tar.gz \
> -DENABLE_visitbridge:BOOL=ON \
> -DENABLE_cgns=ON \
> -DENABLE_boost=ON \
> -DENABLE_ffmpeg=ON \
> -DENABLE_hdf5=ON \
> -DENABLE_matplotlib=ON \
> -DENABLE_mesa=OFF \
> -DENABLE_mpi=ON \
> -DENABLE_numpy=ON \
> -DENABLE_paraview=ON \
> -DENABLE_python=ON \
> -DENABLE_qt=ON \
> -DENABLE_silo=ON \
> -DENABLE_szip=ON \
> -DUSE_SYSTEM_mpi=OFF ../Source
> make -j 8 install
> _
> _______________________________
> Rick Angelini
> USArmy Research Laboratory
> CISD/HPC Architectures Team
> Phone:  410-278-6266
> From:  <Angelini>, Rick Angelini <Richard.C.Angelini.CIV at mail.mil>
> Date:  Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 7:55 AM
> To:  Rick Angelini <Richard.C.Angelini.CIV at mail.mil>, Utkarsh Ayachit
> <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>, ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>
> Subject:  Re: [Paraview] ANN: ParaView 4.3.1 is available for download
> FYI – as I thought, manually running “make install” allowed me to get
> past the QCLucene errors as it has in the past.     Looks like I then
> made it all of the way through to the paraview before it died with some
> python class errors.    Looks like cmake
> is picking up my system python instead of the one that I’m building as
> part of the ParaView distro.   That’s new.     How do I get it to pick up
> the Paraview/python not the system python?
> ________________________________
> Rick Angelini
> USArmy Research Laboratory
> CISD/HPC Architectures Team
> Phone:  410-278-6266
> From: <Angelini>, Rick Angelini <Richard.C.Angelini.CIV at mail.mil>
> Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 12:08 PM
> To: Rick Angelini <Richard.C.Angelini.CIV at mail.mil>, Utkarsh Ayachit
> <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>, ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>,
> ParaView Developers <paraview-developers at paraview.org>
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ANN: ParaView 4.3.1 is available for download
> I was using cmake-2.8.11 and I upgraded to cmake-3.1.0, but I’m still
> seeing errors.   I’m currently dying in QT -  I’ve seen these QCLUcene
> errors before, but not on the platforms  that I’m currently testing the
> builds on ….  I believe that I get around
> this by going into the qt build directory and running “make install”
> and the problem goes  away.
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneIndexSearcher::~QCLuceneIndexSearcher()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneTermQuery::QCLuceneTermQuery(QCLuceneTerm const&)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneIndexReader::deleteDocuments(QCLuceneTerm const&)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to `QCLuceneIndexWriter::close()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLucenePhraseQuery::addTerm(QCLuceneTerm const&)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneTermQuery::~QCLuceneTermQuery()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneQueryPrivate::~QCLuceneQueryPrivate()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneStopAnalyzer::~QCLuceneStopAnalyzer()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneBooleanQuery::add(QCLuceneQuery*, bool, bool, bool)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer::QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneIndexWriter::setMinMergeDocs(int)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneStopAnalyzer::englishStopWords() const'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to `QCLuceneDocument::clear()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to `QCLuceneTerm::QCLuceneTerm(QString
> const&, QString const&)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneIndexWriter::setMaxFieldLength(int)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLucenePhraseQuery::QCLucenePhraseQuery()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer::~QCLuceneStandardAnalyzer()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneIndexWriter::addDocument(QCLuceneDocument&, QCLuceneAnalyzer&)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneSearcher::search(QCLuceneQuery const&)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneDocument::QCLuceneDocument()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to `QCLuceneQuery::toString() const'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneDocument::~QCLuceneDocument()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to `QCLuceneIndexReader::open(QString
> const&)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneDocument::add(QCLuceneField*)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to `QCLuceneIndexWriter::optimize()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneField::QCLuceneField(QString const&, QString const&, int)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneIndexReader::indexExists(QString const&)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to `QCLuceneTerm::~QCLuceneTerm()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneDocumentPrivate::~QCLuceneDocumentPrivate()'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to `QCLuceneHits::document(int)'
> /home/angel/PV/ParaViewSuperbuild/4.3.1/Build_4.3.1/qt/src/qt-build/lib/l
> ibQtHelp.so: undefined reference to
> `QCLuceneIndexWriter::~QCLuceneIndexWriter()'____________________________
> ____
> Rick Angelini
> USArmy Research Laboratory
> CISD/HPC Architectures Team
> Phone:  410-278-6266
> From: <Angelini>, Rick Angelini <Richard.C.Angelini.CIV at mail.mil>
> Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 11:36 AM
> To: Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>, ParaView
> <paraview at paraview.org>, ParaView Developers
> <paraview-developers at paraview.org>
> Subject: Re: [Paraview] ANN: ParaView 4.3.1 is available for download
> I’m having trouble building 4.3.1 on several systems where 4.2 built
> without issue.  Is there a particular version of cmake that 4.3.1 needs
> to be built with?
> ________________________________
> Rick Angelini
> USArmy Research Laboratory
> CISD/HPC Architectures Team
> Phone:  410-278-6266
> From: Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com>
> Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 4:17 PM
> To: ParaView <paraview at paraview.org>, ParaView Developers
> <paraview-developers at paraview.org>
> Subject: [Paraview] ANN: ParaView 4.3.1 is available for download
> Folks,
> ParaView 4.3.1 is now available for download. Checkout the release
> notes on the Kitware blog [1].
> As always, we look forward to your feedback [2].
> Also stay tuned to the Kitware Blog [3] for upcoming features and
> enhancements to ParaView, ParaView Catalyst, ParaViewWeb and much
> more!
> - The ParaView team
> [1] http://www.kitware.com/blog/posts/view/825
> [2] http://paraview.uservoice.com
> [3] http://www.kitware.com/blog/
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