[Paraview] Xdmf format and the contour plot

wide li wideli at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 23 18:22:20 EST 2015

Hi there,

I have a basic question about the contour and stream line plots in ParaView. 

When I load my Xdmf file to the ParaView, neither of the contour nor streamline filters does function. 

I wonder WHY it is so and HOW I can solve this problem. At the moment, I really have no clue at all. The ParaView (5.0.0-RC1) is compiled and installed on Mac (El Capitan). In ccmake, I switched on 

PARAVIEW_BUILD_QT_GUI                 ON                                           
PARAVIEW_ENABLE_CATALYST         ON                                           
PARAVIEW_ENABLE_FFMPEG            ON                                           
PARAVIEW_USE_MPI                           ON
VTK_USE_LARGE_DATA                      ON.

Chosen by ParaView itself, all Modules are not activated except, 

Module_vtkWrappingPythonCore     ON.

Thanks very much in advance.


PS. Here is my Xdmf file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM "Xdmf.dtd" []>
<Xdmf Version="2.0">
   <Grid Name="mesh" GridType="Uniform">
     <Topology TopologyType="3DSMesh" NumberOfElements="14 17 33"/>
     <Geometry GeometryType="X_Y_Z">
       <DataItem Dimensions="14 17 33" NumberType="Float" Precision="8" Format="HDF">
       <DataItem Dimensions="14 17 33" NumberType="Float" Precision="8" Format="HDF">
       <DataItem Dimensions="14 17 33" NumberType="Float" Precision="8" Format="HDF">
     <Attribute Name="B" AttributeType="Vector" Center="Cell">
       <DataItem Dimensions="13 16 32 3" Function="JOIN($0, $1, $2)" ItemType="Function">
     <DataItem Dimensions="13 16 32" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="HDF">
     <DataItem Dimensions="13 16 32" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="HDF">
     <DataItem Dimensions="13 16 32" NumberType="Float" Precision="4" Format="HDF">
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